1. Each applicant is required to contact 3 referees, who are able and willing to comment on the applicant's suitability for the post. For details about the post, please refer to http://jobs.hku.hk/cw/en/job/516616.
  2. Referees should send in their reference letters under confidential cover to this system. We shall start to consider a particular candidate after the 3 reference letters have been received. The reference letters received will be kept in strictest confidence and in compliance with the local Personal Data (Privacy) Ordinance which safeguards your anonymity.
  3. Each reference letter should state clearly the post that the applicant is applying for, and the applicant's name in full. Please also note that dossiers and general or open reference letters do not serve the purpose of confidential references. And the reference letters should be in English.
  4. Please refer to http://oldjobs.hku.hk/include.php?page=npd for HKU's policy on Personal Data.
Section A: Personal Particulars
Section B: Reference Letter Upload
Format: pdf ; Max. File Size: 20MB